Senators Warner, Frist, Collins, and Specter :
I'm writing to share my thoughts on your "moderate" conservatism. You need to remember that those who voted for you did so because they want Republicans in charge of the US. We have a majority in every branch of government but the courts. Even if all of President Bush's nominees are voted in, we still wouldn't have a majority in the court system. You need not concern yourself in "being nice" to the minority party. Why would you think this would help our party at any time? Do you really think democrats care about the traditions of the senate? Filibusters have NEVER been used to steal an up or down vote from a nominee until now. Advise and consent is a priviledge of the majority party ONLY. They are the majority for a reason- that is the way the people want it. Give the nominees an up or down vote and stop trying to work with Democrats who only want to work with you to get their way now because they have no way of doing it on their own.
James Martin
WOW!! You guys really ARE facists!
Hate to busrt your bubble, but Frist himself filibustered a Clinton nominee in 200, and Abe Fortas was filibustered in the late 60's. You sir, are a liar.
Fortas was already a justice and none of Clinton's nominees got out of committee. Tells you something about their caliber.
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