Getting Rid of Dumb Ol' Froth
I've decided to change our Blog settings from "allowing any registered user to post" to "only blog members can post". This will eliminate the likes of Ol' Froth and his typical insipid liberal name-calling: facist and liar (see the two posts under Jame's letter) His profile said he's in his 40's but his conduct is that of an immature kid. My teenagers formulate ideas better than he does - no contest. Anyway, problem solved. From now on, you must be a member of GBRC to post here. I had originally left it open to all users to see if we got anything interesting from visitors, but should have known that the silly lefties wouldn't be able to contain themselves.
Good move Dawn: I had to block the comments by some of these folks at Mike's America using the Haloscan commenting software.
I really do have to wonder about some of these folks who contribute nothing more to the needed political debate than a bunch of garbage.
Do they really think they are convincing anyone or are they just so consumed by the hate and fear that poisons their party that they cannot help themselves?
Well, it might be a good thing that President Bush signed a prescription drug benefit... some of those folks need to up the dosage.
Well, I hope the change in who we allow to comment does the trick.
It is amazing - if there had been even a hint of some intelligence in what he had to say, I would have consideed leaving it open. I was hoping to get some interesting dialogues going, even if all were not completely in agreement. Silly me. You could tell by the name-calling that he was just trying to incite our temper to respond on his stupid level.
We have all seen so much of this esp. since the election, and - gotta say it - it is just about ALL from the LEFT. I am just about sick of conservatives that actually try to reason with these people. I have pretty much given up.
What about the rest of you? Is it a lost cause to try to "convert" a liberal? Must they see the light for themselves or be doomed to a life of small-mindedness and self-proclaimed superiority?
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