Greater Bluffton Republican Club

A blog for Blufftonians and their neighbors to post opinions, meetings, events, worthy articles, occasional jokes, and in general be the place to go to know what's going on in our club as well as the Sun City, Hilton Head, and Beaufort County Republican Clubs.

Friday, December 31, 2004

Libs: Stingy Bush Should Cancel The Inauguration

Please make sure you read this far into the article:
"What these scions of morality don't tell you is that the whole shebang is privately funded. And given that nearly all of the money raised for the inaugural was done prior to the tsunami why is this criticism even relevant?"

And on that note, I wish all you loyal Bloggers and the entire GBRC a very Happy New Year.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

2004: Highlights And Lowlifes

Ann takes us through 2004 with her usual dry wit and sarcasm that would make her my role model, if I ever choose to have one. From the election right to Auto-pen-gate, she is a pleasantly funny read. She softens at the end when she references Tillman and Reagan and for that she has my admiration as well.

Happy Giving Tree Festival To All, And To All A Good Night!

I realize Christmas is over (except for we strange Christians who follow the Biblical seasons, for whom Christmas isn't over until Jan.6th, the Epiphany) however this Coulter column is too great to pass on, esp. her "interview not published in the United States."

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

ACLU Defines Bush-Authorized Torture

Obviously the ACLU hasn't learned a thing from CBS and Dan Rather.

Support Muzzle on the Dems

Actually the article linked to is GOP sets up Senate collision on judges.

Here is how to contact Frist, who refers to the filibustering by the Democrats as "tyranny by the minority", regarding this matter:
Washington, D.C.:
Office of Senator Bill Frist
461 Dirksen
Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
202-228-1264 (fax)

Office of Senator Bill Frist
28 White Bridge Road
Suite 211
Nashville, TN 37205
615-352-9985 (fax)

Note this:
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., has vowed to tie the Senate into procedural knots if Frist tries to change the filibuster rule. "It will be very difficult to get even the most routine work done in the Senate," Reid spokesman Jim Manley said in an interview Sunday.

The typical, immature, and selfish liberal response when they don't get their way.

I love it that Bush is going to re-nominate 20 judicial candidates blocked by the senate. I wonder if that's the type of thing Time was referring to as his "stick to your guns" attitude. I also love that one of the players in this looks like it may be John Thune, who replaced our old buddy, Tom Daschle.

Monday, December 27, 2004

Original Intent - Zell Miller

This speech was sent to me by Donna Huffman, our VP. Thanks!
Gotta love that Zell...he has such an amazing way with words!!

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Regarding the Time Award

This was a Letter to the Editor in the People's Packet on 12/25/04:

Time Award in Perspective
To The Packet:
Time magazine does not always choose the most liked, most humanitarian, or the most intelligent person for its Person of the Year Award. The recipient of this award has significantly affected the news and our lives for good or bad. In 1938, Adolph Hitler was chosen; in 1939,Joseph Stalin; and in 1975, Ayatollah Khomeini was selected by Time.
Richard E. Clapp
Hilton Head Island

This is what I wrote; we'll see if they print it:
To the Editor:
I am going to quote Frank Salvato, a political media consultant whose pieces have been recognized by the Japan Center for Conflict Prevention and are periodically featured in The Washington Times as well as other national and international publications. He wrote in a December 20th article:

"Time's editors said the honor was bestowed on the president for his "stick to your guns" attitude. They said they meant it both figuratively and literally. That, plus the fact President Bush had rallied a nation to vote him into office for a second term in such a decisive manner, they said, culminated the decision making process."

I take enormous exception to the letter written by a Hilton Head resident insinuating that the Time Person of the Year Award was bestowed on President Bush in the company of Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Ayatollah Khomeini. Apparently he didn't do any research as to why Time chose the President, and instead decided to assign his own absurd conclusions, linking the President to murderous dictators. Brilliant.

I also take great exception to the Island Packet for printing this little hate-filled opinion on CHRISTmas Day. Nothing like promoting Peace and Good Will.

I have a "We Won. Get Over It." bumper sticker, which I wasn't going to put on my car. I am now rethinking that position

Thursday, December 23, 2004


Of course, we can use this information to choose the RED.

Greater Bluffton Republican Club

This is a Bluffton GOP "call to arms." Actually, it is a call to the phones. I was trying to tune into the Rush Limbaugh show on NewsRadio 730AM WSC out of Charleston and was shocked, apauled, and outraged to hear the whiney liberal voice of Al Franken and his token female co-host. I thought to myself, "this must be Rush playing a joke or airing a clip." Then I thought to myself, "why would Rush give this guy airtime." Rush wouldn’t, but the program manager at 730AM WSC would. NewsRadio WSC is now broadcast on an FM station, 94.3FM, that we Blufftonian’s and Islander’s cannot receive. And 730AM, is now Progressive Radio "AM for the Rest of Charleston", that’s right folks, AIR AMERICA has come to our little slice of conservatism. For me, 1290AM out of Savannah, that also carries Rush is very hard to pick up during the day.

I would encourage all of you to complain. Urge your friends to complain. Urge your neighbors to complain. Email your representative. Tell George that this cannot happen in this great land. This is a travesty that should not and will not be tolerated in the South. We will not trade our yellow-dog’s for the incredulous whining, sniveling, peace-monkey made in Massachusetts liberals that the Democratic party is raising these days. I say boycott the station and boycott the advertisers. And, I’ll have you know that the time that I listened to this station trying to figure out what on earth was going on, the only advertisers were national – Walgreens, weight loss pills, and other great untouchable advertisers like that.

Ideas on what we can do? Comment on my post, because I’ve called and I know what I will get, "if it sells, we will air it." I’m outraged.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Wal-mart to Match Kettle Donations

Wal-Mart to the rescue.

Monday, December 20, 2004

Mainstream Media's Death Rattle

Good piece on Time's Choice for Man of the Year. Oh, excuse me, Person of the Year.

Rush Put Down on SNL

Not that this in itself is a surprise, but the apparent reaction of some of the backstage senior producers and the fact that they were afraid of retribution from SNL's executive producer Lorne Michaels is interesting.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

MSNBC - Ohio offers lessons for 2008

Article link above: This really steams me. Why is it different for a black precinct than for a white one? I'm sure there were just as many white precincts than black that had lines wrapped around the buildings. Is Bluffton's 1A precinct predominantly black? The reason I ask is that my wife and I were in a line that was an hour long to vote. I guess that means that I was being disenfranchised. Its all a conspiracy, I tell you, all of it!! LOL

"After the election, local political activists seeking a recount analyzed how Franklin County officials distributed voting machines. They found that 27 of the 30 wards with the most machines per registered voter showed majorities for Bush. At the other end of the spectrum, six of the seven wards with the fewest machines delivered large margins for Kerry."

I can explain. Thats because certain Democrats traditionally... well... they don't work. This allows them to stand in 10 hour lines at polls. Long line? Who's going to leave? Probably the people who need to get to work.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Updates on Mike's America

Much new information gleaned from news you might not have seen elsewhere. Posted at

Here’s a sample:

Kook Democrats are still suffering from the delusion that Kerry won.
Mike's America: Some Canadians Say "Stay Home Leftists"
Mike's America: Getting Serious About Syria
Mike's America: Ho Ho Ho! Merry Non-religious Seasonal Celebration
Mike's America: The Story of the Three Bears
Mike's America: American Energy Independence: Common Sense vs. Environmental Extremism
Mike's America: Democrats Declaration of Independence
Mike's America: Afghans Thankful for America
Mike's America: Hillary Watch: Peggy NoonanMike's America: Yalies Outsmart Harvard with Prank at Game

Friday, December 10, 2004

A Time To Share - "The Essentials and Gifts" Drive

A Time To Share - "The Essentials and Gifts" Drive
The Greater Bluffton Republican Club is Presenting You with an opportunity... to clear out your home to make room for all the new gift items and toys your family will be receiving for Christmas or Hanukkah and help our local Military families, especially those with a spouse deployed overseas!! Exciting, huh??
We are making this as easy and convenient as possible for you. There will be a drop off point in Bluffton and also on the Island. If you have trouble getting goods to either place, please let us know and we will attempt to accommodate you.
We will be bringing the items to Parris Island on Thursday morning, Dec. 16th. Parris Island is the distribution center...some items will stay there, and the rest will be routed to the Marine Base and the Naval Hospital. They are looking forward to us coming through for them!
Items needed:
Non-Perishable Food
Clothes in good condition
Household items in good condition
Gift items

How many of you have doubles of small kitchen appliances? How many have bought a piece of clothing on sale & there it sits in your closet, tags still on? How many of you, like me, have received a gift from a relative that is still in it's original box?
It's time to sort through, rethink, and downsize!
Those of you in Bluffton can bring your items to my house. Call or e mail as to when so I am sure I am there. 757 6156 or 321 2256.

Here are directions from Sun City:
Come down 278 towards Island.
go thru Rose hill light. at next light, turn right onto Buck Island. go abt 1/4 mi. past Ben Parker's & Brooke's on left & then 2 little houses on left set back from road. ( Golf Course on right.)
after 2 houses you'll see sign & entrance for "Meadowbrook at Old Carolina" turn left. come to immediate T. Turn left at T. Ours is only house on right - #69 Old Farm. Name on Mailbox. 2 story cream with spruce trim.

For those of you on Hilton Head who would find it more convenient to make a drop there, please contact Jim & Alice Lee at 301 2155 to make arrangements to get your items to them.

Please tell your relatives, friends & neighbors what we are hoping to accomplish. This is a non-partisan drive and we'd appreciate help from Democrats, Independents, etc. as well. Heck, we'll even take stuff from Green Party members if it will help the cause:)

Some of these families, especially the newlyweds and those with babies and children, do not even have the basics to set up housekeeping. Let's really reach far into our hearts and our closets.
So far, my husband Howard, Jim Lee, Daryl and Lauren Sturre, and Reggie & Ellen Bray have all offered their large vehicles to transport these things. I hope we can fill these four and more.
I want to give credit to Jim Lee for inspiring this project. Here is the story he posted to our Blog recently that stirred up your humble prez to take some action:
"I remembered when Alice and I were still newly married (a very short time ago, really) and I was in the Air Force. We had nothing. No dishes, pots and pans, coffee pots, you know the essentials. Well we were sent on base to this place called Family Service. And our eyes opened wide when we saw the treasures before us. Anything we needed was there for us to borrow as long as we needed them. I later found out these things were all donated (no government funding necessary) and passed on from one soldier to another. It helped us until we got on our feet. These young men and women in the service make very little money in the beginning. The majority of them that are married do not live on base either ( no room), so a lot of their money goes to rent. Alice and I went looking thru some of our bounty the other day and found all the things we had double and triple of like Coffee Makers, Crock Pot, George Foreman Sandwich Maker etc. Then we went thru all the clothes that we had never worn, some with the labels still on them There is now lots of room in the closet.
Today we delivered them to the Marine Air Station in Beaufort. They were so thankful. I felt happier than they did. There is such a fullness of heart when you pass something on to people who are sacrificing so much for us and never asking for anything but acknowledgement of their service. They even run around at Christmas collecting toys for tots for our communities, and some never stop to think, who is taking care of their kids?
Well any way I've asked my family this year that I not receive any gifts. They are to" pass it on " to our military men and women. Thu donations of canned and boxed goods, calling cards, commissary gift certificates etc. Until they all come home after completing their mission, I want them to feel appreciated and know that those of us who are safe at home are taking good care of their families.
That's all for now. Thanks for the blog, Dawn, I am honored."
Pretty inspiring, huh?
I hope to hear from you all in the next few days. I know this is a busy time for everyone, both personally and also business-wise, but please make time to give to those who make it possible for us to have our busy lives.
We will work with you to make this work.
With much appreciation and Christmas Blessings, and the Happiest of Hanukkahs to our Jewish Friends,
Dawn Duff
President, Greater Bluffton Republican Club

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Christmas Under Attack

Check out the article from Conservative Alerts. This is all so ridiculous considering that 90% of Americans beleive in God and 82% celebrate Christmas!!
Did anyone catch the Hannity & Colmes "Take Back America" special tonight? I thought it was excellent.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Canada busy sending back Bush-dodgers

I thought this was pretty funny. Hope this isn't a repost.


Canada busy sending back Bush-dodgers Tuesday, November 16, 2004

The flood of American liberals sneaking across the border into Canada has intensified in the past week, sparking calls for increased patrols to stop the illegal immigration.

The re-election of President Bush is prompting the exodus among left leaning citizens who fear they ' ll soon be required to hunt, pray and agree with Bill O'Reilly.

Canadian border farmers say it 's not uncommon to see dozens of sociology professors, animal rights activists and Unitarians crossing their fields at night.

"I went out to milk the cows the other day, and there was a Hollywood producer huddled in the barn," said Manitoba farmer Red Greenfield, whose acreage borders North Dakota.

The producer was cold, exhausted and hungry.

"He asked me if I could spare a latte and some free-range chicken. When I said I didn't have any, he left. Didn't even get a chance to show him my screenplay, eh?"

In an effort to stop the illegal aliens, Greenfield erected higher fences, but the liberals scaled them. So he tried installing speakers that blare Rush Limbaugh across the fields.

"Not real effective," he said. "The liberals still got through, and Rush annoyed the cows so much they wouldn't give milk."

Officials are particularly concerned about smugglers who meet liberals near the Canadian border, pack them into Volvo station wagons, drive them across the border and leave them to fend for themselves.

"A lot of these people are not prepared for rugged conditions," an Ontario border patrolman said. "I found one carload without a drop of drinking water. They did have a nice little Napa Valley cabernet, though."

When liberals are caught, they're sent back across the border, often wailing loudly that they fear retribution from conservatives. Rumors have been circulating about the Bush administration establishing re-education camps in which liberals will be forced to drink domestic beer and watch NASCAR.

In the days since the election, liberals have turned to sometimes ingenious ways of crossing the border.

Some have taken to posing as senior citizens on bus trips to buy cheap Canadian prescription drugs. After catching a half-dozen young vegans disguised in powdered wigs, Canadian immigration authorities began stopping buses and quizzing the supposed senior-citizen passengers.

"If they can't identify the accordion player on The Lawrence Welk Show, we get suspicious about their age," an official said.

Canadian citizens have complained that the illegal immigrants are creating an organic-broccoli shortage and renting all the good Susan Sarandon movies.

"I feel sorry for American liberals, but the Canadian economy just can't support them," an Ottawa resident said. "How many art-history majors does one country need?"

In an effort to ease tensions between the United States and Canada, Vice President Dick Cheney met with the Canadian ambassador and pledged that the administration would take steps to reassure liberals, a source close to Cheney said.

We're going to have some Peter, Paul & Mary concerts. And we might put some endangered species on postage stamps. The president is determined to reach out."

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Answer from Tar-jay...such BS

See "Scrooge Would Approve" under "November Archives" (wow, we actually have archives now; I guess that means we're established:)
I say it's BS since they let the Salvation Army be there every year up until now. All of a sudden they are bowing to pressure from WHAT non-profit groups? Which ones?? Is the Target Corp. so limp & weak that it can't pick & choose which groups it wants to support? They can't just say "NO" to the "Left Handed Socialists on Horseback with Herpes", for instance? Or that non-profit group that wants to bring back racial segregation and stoning of women for loose morals??
I don't get it and there's more to this story.

Subject: The Salvation Army

Dear Dawn,

Like many nationwide retailers, Target Corporation has a long-standing "no
solicitation" policy that it consistently applies to all organizations
across all of its stores.

We receive an increasing number of solicitation inquiries from non-profit
organizations and other groups each year and determined that if we continue
to allow the Salvation Army to solicit then it opens the door to any other
groups that wish to solicit our guests. While some of our guests may
welcome the opportunity to support their favorite charity or cause,
allowing these organizations to solicit means that Target would also have
to permit solicitation by organizations whose cause or behavior may be
unacceptable to our guests.

We notified the Salvation Army of our decision in January 2004, well in
advance of the holiday season, so the organization would have time to find
alternative fundraising sources. Target also asked the Salvation Army to
look at other ways that we could support their organization under our
corporate giving guidelines. To this date they have not provided a proposal
that fits those guidelines.

Local Salvation Army chapters can apply for grants through their local
Target stores. For decades, many non-profit organizations across the
country have successfully worked with Target in this manner. We are asking
the Salvation Army to work with us in the same exact manner as the other
groups and organizations who ask to solicit our guests.

This decision in noway diminishes Target Corporation's commitment to its
communities. Target has one of the largest corporate philanthropy programs
in America, donating more than $2 million per week and hundreds of
thousands of volunteer hours each year to the communitiesin which it does


Jennifer Hanson
Target Executive Offices

David Limbaugh on Bush Mandate

We're still being deluged with a political commentary that suggests Bush should abondon the agenda he ran on during the election and adopt portions of the Democrat agenda. Under the heading of Dems Still Don't Get It, I give you excerpts from Rush's brother David Limbaugh's recent column. I recommend reading it in full.

WorldNetDaily: Who's calling whom arrogant?: "I'm struck by the irony of the liberal punditry warning Republicans not to interpret their sweeping victories as a mandate because such 'arrogance' could lead to a voter backlash.


Similarly, Los Angeles Times columnist Ronald Brownstein writes: "The larger issue in this dispute [over the intelligence restructuring bill] is whether Bush wants to reach out to all Americans, or just court those at the core of his political coalition."

The objective fact is that President Bush and Republicans won decisively. The lesson most reasonable people would take from such a victory is not that they were doing something wrong and they better back off from it. While I agree that winners shouldn't become high-handed, neither should they act like losers.

Why should President Bush voluntarily surrender his just-affirmed political capital by capitulating to the demands of Democrats? Wouldn't that be as much of a slap in the face to voters, who just endorsed his agenda, as becoming cocky?

According to this liberal logic, Republicans should act like losers when they lose and act like losers when they win. President Bush, having run on an agenda of staying the course in Iraq, making his tax cuts permanent, and injecting a measure of private ownership in the Social Security system, should abandon all three goals.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Michael Moore admits Defeat??

Gee, I'm not sure I trust him...
Did you all see his new look on Letterman? Whats with that?