Greater Bluffton Republican Club

A blog for Blufftonians and their neighbors to post opinions, meetings, events, worthy articles, occasional jokes, and in general be the place to go to know what's going on in our club as well as the Sun City, Hilton Head, and Beaufort County Republican Clubs.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

"9/11 Controlled Demolition Destroyed WTC"

UPI Hears... - (United Press International): "Former chief economist for the Department of Labor during President George W. Bush's first term Morgan Reynolds comments that the official story about the collapse of the WTC is 'bogus' and that it is more likely that a controlled demolition destroyed the Twin Towers and adjacent Building No. 7. "

Hey, um... Buddy.... did you see the video on CNN? Maybe you forgot because the Liberal Media made it not-cool to show the footage. The thing is... I remember the plane hitting the second tower because I was watching CNN. You have just single-handedly made yourself a laughing stock. I hope for these comments no one ever gives credence to anything you say ever again.


Blogger DawnGaye said...

This guy is a lunatic.
But he's probably been inserted by the far left to begin this line of thought and as you know, when a lie is repeated long and often enough...
I also saw the 2nd plane go into the tower on LIVE TV. I have ALWAYS been of the opinion that the footage of this attack should be shown often.

2:43 PM  

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